Warsaw Quantum Computing Group
We organize meetings of the Warsaw Quantum Computing Group (WQCG). It is a series of meetups for quantum computing enthusiasts in Warsaw, its goal is to facilitate the education and collaboration of people interested in quantum computing.
WQCG meetings are organized several times per year (approximately once per month), usually on Mondays or Thursdays at 6pm CET. Each meeting consists of a lecture given by a quantum computing specialist (it usually takes about 60 minutes) followed by a Q&A session. Some lectures are followed by an afterparty where attendees can interact and exchange ideas. We record most of the lectures and make them available on our YouTube channel.
The first WQCG meeting was organized on 18.11.2018 (even before the Quantum AI Foundation was formally established) in order to commemorate the 100th anniversary of regaining independence by Poland. Initially, the meetings were organized in several locations in Warsaw (e.g., Przestrzeń from Facebook, Google Warsaw, Codecool, University of Warsaw). Since the beginning of the pandemic crisis in Poland (March 2020), WQCG meetings were remote-only, but in 2023 we are returning to onsite meetings!
If you want to stay in touch with our meeting, we invite you to join our mailing list: https://groups.google.com/g/warsaw-quantum-computing-group.
You can also join our Facebook group and follow our Facebook fanpage.
Past and current events:
Episode LXV: "Google's Willow quantum chip: Pioneering Advancements in Quantum Error Correction and Scalable Computing", Alex Linden (6.03.2025)
Episode LXIV: "Developments in superconducting erasure qubits for hardware-efficient quantum error correction", Maria Violaris (16.01.2025)
Episode LXIII: "Electrostatically Interacting Wannier Qubits in Curved Space", Krzysztof Pomorski (5.12.2024)
Episode LXII: "Strategy of integrated classical-quantum chips development in Poland", Krzysztof Pomorski (28.11.2024)
Episode LXI: "Graphs, quantum algorithms and fine-grained complexity", Adam Wesołowski (7.11.2024)
Episode LX: "Introduction to quantum computing and ecosystem of quantum technologies in Poland", Paweł Gora (17.10.2024)
Episode LIX: "Quantum Computing for Optimisation with D-Wave", Axel Daian (13.06.2024)
Episode LVIII: "Two-way quantum computers (2WQC) adding CPT analog of state preparation, in theory solving NP problems", Jarosław Duda (9.05.2024)
Episode LVII: "Quantum Architecture Search", Mateusz Ostaszewski (14.04.2024, World Quantum Day)
Episode LVI: "How to build a quantum computer?", Krzysztof Kuba (14.03.2024)
Episode LV: "Keeping secrets in the post-quantum world", Jakub Bliźniuk (11.01.2024)
Episode LIV: "Machine learning and optical quantum information", Karol Bartkiewicz (7.12.2023)
Episode LIII: "Quantum Communications", Magdalena Stobińska (16.11.2023)
Episode LII: "Introduction to Quantum Computing and Ecosystem of Quantum Technologies in Poland", Paweł Gora (19.10.2023)
Episode LI: "Minimizing the energy consumption of large-scale quantum computers", Marco Fellous-Asiani (15.06.2023)
Episode L: "On the use of quantum technologies to discover brain structure and function", Joan Falco Roget (11.05.2023)
Episode XLIX: "Discovering the power of quantum computing with the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm", Justyna Zawalska (14.04.2023, World Quantum Day)
Episode XLVIII: "Will (near-term) quantum computers deliver real advantage?", Bálint Koczor (2.03.2023)
Episode XLVII: "Wprowadzenie do kryptologii postkwantowej", Tomasz Kazana (26.01.2023)
Episode XLVI: "Kernels, tensors, matrices and reservoirs — the wild world of (Quantum) Machine Learning", Piotr Gawron (15.12.2022)
Episode XLV: "An introduction to Qiskit", Przemysław Michałowski (17.11.2022)
Episode XLIV: "Introduction to quantum computing and ecosystem of quantum technologies in Poland", Paweł Gora (20.10.2022)
Episode XLIII: "Efficient learning and benchmarking of readout noise cross-talk models in near-term quantum devices", Jan Tuziemski & Filip Maciejewski (4.07.2022)
Episode XLII: "Simultaneous resources reduction for quantum optimization", Adam Glos (30.05.2022)
Episode XLI: "Building Hybrid Applications with D-Wave", Victoria Goliber (9.05.2022)
Episode XL: "Unconstrained Binary Models of the Travelling Salesman Problem Variants for Quantum Optimization”, Özlem Salehi (25.04.2022)
Special Edition (World Quantum Day): [PL only] "Wprowadzenie do informatyki kwantowej", Paweł Gora & Oskar Słowik (14.04.2022)
Episode XXXIX: "Reinforcement Learning for Quantum Technologies", Marcin Płodzień (11.04.2022)
Episode XXXVIII: "Transpilation of quantum circuits", Oskar Słowik (28.03.2022)
Episode XXXVII: "Surface Code Design for Asymmetric Error Channels", Aleksandra Lipińska (14.03.2022)
Episode XXXVI: "Comparison of quantum optimization algorithms and encoding schemes for workflow scheduling", Julia Plewa, Joanna Sieńko (28.02.2022)
Episode XXXV: "Using quantum devices for workflows scheduling problem in EuroHPC PL project", Katarzyna Rycerz (14.02.2022)
Episode XXXIV: "Using PennyLane for Quantum Differentiable Programming ", Antal Száva (10.01.2022)
Episode XXXIII: "Hybrid quantum-classical machine learning with TensorFlow Quantum", Justyna Zawalska (20.12.2021)
Episode XXXII: "ORQVIZ: Visualizing High-Dimensional Landscapes in Variational Quantum Algorithms", Manuel Rudolph & Michał Stęchły (22.11.2021)
Episode XXXI: "Introduction to quantum computing", Paweł Gora (4.10.2021)
Episode XXX: "Generation and detection of QKD symbols encoded in time and frequency", Adam Widomski (5.07.2021)
Episode XXIX: "Using fermions to attain quantum computational advantage", Michał Oszmaniec (31.05.2021)
Episode XXVIII: "D-Wave 101: Running Our First Problem", Victoria Goliber (10.05.2021)
Episode XXVII: "Applications of using Partial Negation Operator on a Single Qubit", Ahmed Younes (19.04.2021)
Episode XXVI: "Creative Destruction Lab - Quantum Commercialization & Entrepreneurship", Sam Kearney (12.04.2021)
Episode XXV: "Yet another QML talk", Kareem H. El-Safty (29.03.2021)
Episode XXIV: "Advantage, the Latest Generation System from D-Wave", Victoria Goliber (25.01.2021)
Episode XXIII: "How to get most of NISQ computers with Qiskit", Tomasz Stopa (14.12.2020)
Episode XXII: "An introduction to quantum programming with Python and Qiskit", Oskar Słowik (16.11.2020, Zoom)
Episode XXI: "Introduction to quantum computing", Paweł Gora (19.10.2020, Zoom)
Episode XX: "Variational Quantum Algorithms – how do they work?", Michał Stęchły (13.07.2020, Zoom)
Episode XIX: "Financial option pricing using quantum computing", Dawid Kopczyk (25.05.2020, Zoom)
Episode XVIII: "Qiskit Pulse: Programming Quantum Computers Through the Cloud with Pulses", Piotr Biskupski (11.05.2020, Webex)
Episode XVII: "Quantum simulation of quantum gravity", Jakub Mielczarek (27.04.2020, Zoom)
Episode XVI: "Fighting readout noise on quantum devices", Filip Maciejewski (6.04.2020, Zoom)
Episode XV: "Quantum Game with Photons 2: tensors in TypeScript, visualized", Piotr Migdał, Klementyna Jankiewicz (23.03.2020, Webex webinar)
Episode XIV: "Open source SW/HW stack for quantum computing ", Grzegorz Kasprowicz (24.02.2020, Codecool)
Episode XIII: "Quantum Neural Networks", Piotr Gawron (20.01.2020, CDT)
Episode XII: “Grover search algorithm for Max-Cut problem”, Adam Glos (16.12.2019, Codecool)
Episode XI: “An introduction to quantum walks on graphs and their implementations”, Oskar Słowik (28.11.2019, Codecool)
Episode X: “Why quantum computers can work at all? - decoherence and quantum error correction”, Rafał Demkowicz-Dobrzański (28.10.2019, "Przestrzeń from Facebook")
Episode IX: "Variational quantum machine learning”, Jacob Biamonte (7.10.2019, Google Warsaw)
Episode VIII: "Adiabatic quantum computers”, Paweł Gora (2.07.2019, Google Warsaw)
Episode VII: “Adventures of Bell state in the world of NISQ”, Tomasz Stopa (27.05.2019, "Przestrzeń from Facebook")
Episode VI: "Efficient quantum gates", Adam Sawicki (29.04.2019, "Przestrzeń from Facebook")
Episode V: "The race for quantum computational supremacy", Michał Oszmaniec (18.03.2019, "Przestrzeń from Facebook")
Episode IV: “Grover's search algorithm: Explanation and classical simulation with pyQuil”, Dawid Kopczyk (25.02.2019, "Przestrzeń from Facebook")
Episode III: “Introduction to programming quantum computers using pyQuil”, Michał Stęchły (21.01.2019, "Przestrzeń from Facebook")
Episode II: “Elements of quantum machine learning”, Piotr Gawron & Przemysław Sadowski (17.12.2018, "Przestrzeń from Facebook")
Episode I: “Introduction to quantum computing”, Rafał Demkowicz-Dobrzański (18.11.2018, MIMUW Faculty)
Our Strategic Partners: Onyx Alfa, Cogit, Sonovero R&D, finQbit, Quantumz.io
Our Honorary Patrons: ICM, Students’ Association for Computer Science, Machine Learning Society at MIM UW, QPoland, ML in PL Association, OM PTI, AleQCG, WDI, Digital Poland Foundation, Digital Festival, Candela, SANO, Nabla - Physics Students Society at the Wrocław University of Technology, Quantum.Tech, Gitex Global, Herrington Technology, Ghost Day.