Warsaw Quantum Computing Group

We invite you to attend (online) Episode LXII
of Warsaw Quantum Computing Group meetups!

"Strategy of integrated classical-quantum chips development in Poland"

Krzysztof Pomorski

28.11.2024, 18:00 UTC+1


Currently there is a worldwide race to obtain functional quantum computers [1-2] and various forms of quantum technologies such as quantum metrology or quantum communications. Those technologies will enhance our lifestyle and boost civilization development. Despite various forms of theoretical achievements in mathematics and in physics Poland is quite behind the race in Q-Tech development especially in hardware perspective. Therefore, it is necessary to boost the effort in development of integrated Josephson junctions [3-4] in Rapid Single Quantum Flux scheme, development of transmon superconducting qubits and development of semiconductor single-electron devices [5]. The preplanned scheme of actions is given and relies on the usage of interface between transmon qubit and parametron Josephson junction [4] as the way to obtain hybrid classical-quantum computers. Such hybrid computers where a small quantum chip is surrounded by a massive classical but still cryogenic chip is of more commercial value simply than basing only on the quantum paradigm alone. In this context there is a big opportunity of usage of recently available cryogenic CMOS semiconductor based technology[ 6]. The perspective of implementation of interface between semiconductor quantum computer and Josephson junction quantum computer is also given as by [7-8].


[1]. IBM Quantum Experience ( https://quantum.ibm.com/ ),

[2]. F.Arute, K.Arya, R.Babbush, et al. Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor. Nature 574, 2019 (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-1666-5),

[3]. H.C.Jay, C. LeFebvre, Hao Li, Ethan Y. Cho, Nobuyuki Yoshikawa, Shane A. Cybart; High-temperature superconductor quantum flux parametron for energy efficient logic. Appl. Phys. Lett. 20, 2024; 124 ( https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0206445 ).

[4]. F. China, T. Narama, N. Takeuchi, T. Ortlepp, Y. Yamanashi and N. Yoshikawa, "Study of Signal Interface between Single Flux Quantum Circuit and Adiabatic Quantum Flux Parametron," 2015 , ( 10.1109/ISEC.2015.7383483 ) .

[5]. K.Pomorski, Electrostatically Interacting Wannier Qubits in Curved Space. Materials 2024, 17, 4846, ( https://doi.org/10.3390/ma17194846 ) .

[6]. E. Charbon et al., "Cryo-CMOS for quantum computing," 2016 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 2016 ( doi: 10.1109/IEDM.2016.7838410).

[7]. K.Pomorski, P.Peczkowski,R.Staszewski, Analytical solutions for N interacting electron system confined in graph of coupled electrostatic semiconductor and superconducting quantum dots in tight-binding model, Cryogenics, Vol.109,2020 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cryogenics.2020.103117),

[8]. H.H.Kang, I.T.Rosen, M.Hays, et al. , Remote Entangling Gates for Spin Qubits in Quantum Dots using an Offset-Charge-Sensitive Transmon Coupler, arXiv:2409.08915, 2024.

Krzysztof Pomorski received the Ph.D. degree from the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, in 2015 and 2 Master of Science degrees in Physics from University of Lodz and Electronics from Lodz University of Technology. During his Ph.D. research, he developed the scheme of field-induced Josephson junctions and pointed out the existence of topological Meissner effect. He also developed microscopic justification of canonical quantization of Josephson effect. He is specialized in fundamental modeling of devices with the use of physics methodology and in the development of new numerical algorithms. He held a postdoctoral position working on design of superconducting RAM for fluxon electronics at Nagoya University and at AGH University of Science and Technology and at the same time, he was continuing the cryogenic experiments. He modeled semiconductor singe-electron devices for quantum chips at University College Dublin, Cracow University of Technology, Lodz University of Technology and currently at Warsaw University of Life Sciences. He proposed the implementation of interface between quantum semiconductors and quantum superconducting computer. He has founded the company Quantum Hardware Systems and YouTube channel of the same name. He was giving lectures on Quantum Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Life. He currently holds a Assistant Professorship at University of Life Sciences in Warsaw, involved in both quantum simulations and in advanced cryogenic engineering. He was supervisor of 3 Master of Science thesis, 2 Engineering and 11 Bachelor degrees and organizer of 5 conferences. Currently he is involved in the design of superconducting hybrid classical-quantum computer and in study of quantum neural networks. The interlink between classical and quantum information theory, many-body physics, quantum field theory, statistical physics is expecting to bring unique synergy between theoretical physics, and the development of new quantum technologies.

The meeting is organized by the Quantum AI Foundation and QPoland.

Strategic Partners: Snarto, Cogit, Sonovero R&D, finQbit, Quantumz.io