Warsaw Quantum Computing Group

We invite you to attend (onsite) Episode LVII
of Warsaw Quantum Computing Group meetups!

"Quantum Architecture Search"

Mateusz Ostaszewski

14.04.2024 (World Quantum Day), 16:00 CEST 

Allegro, Fabryka Norblina, Żelazna 51/53, 00-841 Warszawa 


The paramount challenge in the era of noisy intermediate-scale quantum computing is the discovery of efficient quantum circuits that can operate effectively within the constraints of current quantum devices. Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) offer a promising solution wherein the circuit architecture is first established and subsequently fine-tuned through parameter optimization to address specific quantum tasks. However, the optimization process can often become intractable, with overall performance heavily reliant on the initially chosen circuit architecture.

To address these challenges, several quantum architecture search (QAS) algorithms have been developed to automate the selection of optimal circuit architectures. In this tutorial, I will overview the key methodological trends within Quantum Architecture Search. We will delve into the technical intricacies of various approaches, exploring their strengths and limitations. Additionally, I will shed light on the ongoing challenges that continue to engage researchers in this rapidly evolving field. 

Mateusz Ostaszewski earned his Ph.D. with distinction from the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Gliwice. While preparing his doctoral thesis, he conducted a research internship at University College London (UCL) in the Computer Science Lab - Quantum Information. Following his doctoral studies, he initiated collaboration with the research group led by Prof. Vedran Dunjko at Leiden University. He is undertaking a postdoctoral fellowship at the Warsaw University of Technology.

He has been a recipient of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education scholarship for outstanding achievements, as well as an Etiuda doctoral scholarship. Moreover, he actively contributed to research projects funded by the National Science Centre (NCN) and the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP). His research findings have been presented at conferences such as NeurIPS and CoLLAs and published in Quantum, Computer Physics Communications, and Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. His research interests are primarily centered around continual and reinforcement learning methodologies. In parallel, he is leveraging deep learning techniques for quantum circuit construction, particularly for noisy intermediate-scale quantum quantum devices. 

The meeting is organized by the Quantum AI Foundation, QPoland

Strategic Partners: Snarto, Cogit, Sonovero R&D, finQbit, Quantumz.io