Workshop on Quantum Machine Learning 2022
Quantum AI Foundation and QPoland are Knowledge Partners of the "Workshop on Quantum Machine Learning" organized as a part of the TQCEBT 2022 conference on 13.10.2022. Members of QPoland will be speakers there!
Agenda (times in UTC+2):
1. "Introduction to QML", Paweł Gora, 10:30 - 11:15
2. "Time Series Analysis with QML", Jacob Cybulski, 11:15 - 12:45
3. "Quantum Kernels", Oskar Słowik, 12:55 - 13:40
4. "TensorFlow Quantum", Justyna Zawalska, 13:40 - 14:25 PM
5. Concluding Remarks, 14:25 - 14:30
Link to Webex:
Meeting number: 2512 935 4547
Password: eMEbYcp53C8